Half smile, willing hands

Stress can often lead to impacts on our bodies, but the reverse is also true: our bodies can have profound impacts on our minds.

To help your body communicate to your brain that you are okay, practice the half smile, willing hands strategies. These strategies can help us regulate our systems and feel better in the moment.

Half smile

  1. Relax the muscles in your face, starting with your forehead and moving down to your chin.
  2. Turn up the corner of your mouth very slightly to create a “half smile” reminiscent of the Mona Lisa’s.

Willing hands

  1. Either sit comfortably, stand, or lie down for this exercise based on your preference.
  2. Ensure your muscles are fully relaxed.
  3. Place your hands palms up in your lap, if you are sitting, or find a comfortable position to hold them up while standing or laying down. Ensure your fingers are relaxed.

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