G.I.V.E. C.A.R.E.
At times, you can be your own worst critic. When you find yourself questioning your ability to bounce back, know that you can do something different, and it is okay if you make mistakes as you learn.
Let’s get to a place where you’re going to:
- Learn something new.
- Practice it.
- Give yourself credit.
Don’t forget to G.I.V.E. C.A.R.E. along the way:
- G → Be gentle with yourself.
- I → Take interest in why you might be feeling this way and whether you might be missing something that might change how you’re feeling.
- V → Validate, recognize, and acknowledge your suffering. Be fair to yourself in understanding that you are not alone, and that suffering is part of being human.
- E → Address yourself in an easy manner. Be kind, gentle, and fair with yourself, even if you’re unable to do things as you’d like right now.
- C → Be curious about your options. What could really help you in this moment?
- A → Acknowledge that change is hard and doing things differently is difficult.
- R → Reflect on which of your options is most likely to help you get to where you want to be.
- E → Encourage yourself to go through with the option that you’ve decided is best, even and especially when it’s hard.